it belongs to brunhilde cph
poul sejer's driving panel on old license plates to
the tall man who talks loud - from Horsens ;-)
Peders black plate panel nice RAT ;-)
owner is missing
Lupojespers SO36 he's looking for some easy bodywork before it is on the streets again
J Elneef's old racing team bus - dont now the current owner
the Carøe collection
the carøe collection
the Carøe collection again
the Carøe collection
Jesper VBALL from odense - it is in poland for a paint and a new interior right now ,cool bus
owner is missing
owner is michael from århus - but I think it have been exported to Holland now
owner is missing
owned by a fireman club in løgstør - and it's NOT for sale for whatever
love junkyard pics - owner is missing
søren from randers have this good looking velvetgreen hard top camper , org paint in most of the car
also a poul sejer bus
belongs to poul sejer I think
SO42 belong to a guy from vw klub Nord
Trl's but no sold to another guy
the Carøe collection and Carøe himselves
the Carøe collection
the Carøe collection
owner is missing
frank mathiesen have this kombi , was nice before it had a repspray mangogreen and offwhite was it - a shame ;-(
thomas356 from MIB has this unrestored ex feuerwehr 67 panel , more details on http://www.thenastygray.blogspot.com/
i think the owner is called "steller" he's a butcher ;-)
a family member of carsten andersen have this panel
another projekt without name
this one just had a new owner - dont now his name
split261's old licenseplate pick up
Finn , my buddy's, awesome 67 kombi - this baby is real nice
Peterwing's special option bus - panel with samba windows and other things
Solvej - sommersumrombussen from danish television , owned by JK
62 samba - owned by "skrotjohn" undergoing big job right now
German samba import - owned by thomas to
thomas had this one for sale a while ago - dont no if it was sold
owner is missing
owner is NOT missing - i now no is sorenJ
this one been around - among africa some times - dont no the current owner
Gus my man - this one took a looong time to restore , but good job GUS
Buller from Ebeltoft - undergoing biig restoration right now
owner is missing
driving around in AAlborg - nice bus
old 57 pick up owned by Andreas - saved from an old grossary store - who havent been entered since the late 70's everything was still standing on the shells in 2006 - wild thing. old org licenseplates to
old swedish import - dobbeltdoor - current owner is missing
old ambulance - owner is missing
this babyy is baaaaad ass looking owned by vwmichael
amasing 40000 km danish since new , org paint to - slidingdoor kombi
barndoor - new owner is carøe ;-) some projekt
UK import by trl - sold to Per frost
US import by Allan Wind - now restored to superb bus - dont have pics of that
owner is missing
US imoport sold by TRL to a girl i dont no the name of - but she's lucky
owner is missing in action
easy projekt sold recently to a man i dont recall hes name but he also have a bay
Bagerbussen - are somewhere in cph and sits still - saad cool looking bus with frederiksberg bageri logos on the site
the MAN morten - he arrange the bus meet in denmark this year - THANKS MAN
Dan Noe's "de luxe" pick up i think it for sale 90000 dkr
Carsten Andersens tottaly nice SO36 - this baby rocks have several magazine posters
this DOKA had a lot off owners - dont no the current one - but i think he os doing something good to it right now
this barndoor with a new rear end - owned by a carpenter who still use it for daily transport and work
a samba owned by gejr - big engine bus
another low mile org firetruck owned by Jan Koed
Per Frost - the owner off the Bellabus - was an actor in the danish tv movie "krønikken" lowjob by me
Vwmortens 13w - is now almost done as 21w - this projekt is amasing - probely one off the best jobs i ever seen . he is adm off the dansih http://www.vwnettet.dk/
and poul's hippie 23w wating to bee restored
Poul's sons SO33 a rare one and real nice
Duncan's other projekt - now sold to Kenny an awating a full resto
Duncan's long time projekt ;-)
still a company car for a elecrtic fimr in denmark - was given as a present for the owner - have all the original tolls insite - whery nice
another danish samba from 56 , dont remeber his name tho ;-( think it's Per
this panel belong to Svend - have a interresting movie history this one
one off the world oldeste barndoors - more details on http://www.barndoor.dk/

belong to Tonny Larsen - real nice
another danish samba with missing owner
Poul's old org license plate pick up - new owner is missing
tonnys old barndoor - new owner is missing http://www.barndoor.dk/
owner is missing
one of mr carøe's barndoors good project
owner is missing
danish barndoor - look at http://www.barndoor.dk/ for details - for sale
my 67 slider ex feuerwehr with 14000 km since 67 for sale 130000 dkr

cool side ib
Very informative site. FYI I am the owner of the J Elneef's old racing team bus. Going for a major makeover this year.
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